Weather Stations

Articles > WH3081 Weather Station Review - WH3080, WS3081 Solar Wireless Professional

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WH3081 sucker 1000
Weather Station, Model: WH3081

Bought: early may, strange they did not send an invoice (perhaps not)
Delivered: 9 May 2016
Installed: 9 May 2016

failed to work as advertised software problems

Factory Reset: 11 May 2016
Reinstalled Software

worked for 7 days, since

Wind; Recorded Wind Gusts of 157 KMH, (would blow the thing apart)
Rain: recorded 1.2mm but shows maximum of 2.4mm
History; History function does not work 31May 2016

Software: EasyWeatherPlus V2.3

it's crap!! claims to run on Windows XP, it's erattic and unstable, works, dont work, starts stops envokes "repairdrive.exe" uninstall and it wipes the database :(

The device was advertised to record and display weather data, it fails to do so

purchased eBay, (what a mistake, at least if you buy in a shop you can go back and bang the counter..)

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